I’m retiring after 34 fulfilling and enjoyable years with Scotwood. I’m hugely grateful for the relationships I have formed with colleagues, clients and contractors over these years and proud of the amazing things we have achieved together. I am also hugely happy to be handing over to a team that will maintain and grow Scotwood’s leading position in interior fit-outs, more of which later… In the meantime, thanks to all of you.

After 34 years grinding at the coalface, I retire this evening. Scotwood Interiors has been my life and it will be a wrench to leave, but I know this is the right time and I leave the business in the capable hands of Managing Director, Chris Nugent and Directors, Jim Scott and John Taylor. Scotwood will remain as one of the leading office interior fit out companies in Scotland.
My Scotwood journey has been shared with Jim Scott and following Jim’s dad’s retiral in 2000, Jim and I took on the Joint MD’s role and it has been a wonderful and rewarding partnership. We have seen through recessions (two at least) and pandemics but it has been a fantastic last couple of years, taking the business to its current position as an award-winning company and a market leader in the fit out business.
For the down turns, the lost tenders, the awkward clients, Dawn has been my rock and we have shared the last 22 years together through bad times and the contract wins.
I have been very lucky to have an excellent management team around me and without John Taylor, Andy Ashton , Craig Rodgers, Brian Rippon , Graham Scott , Shirley Smith and Anne Warren – all loyal members of the Scotwood team – it would not have been such an enjoyable and rewarding time.
To the approximately 40 staff on site and all our many subcontractors , many of whom have been with Scotwood for nearly my entire journey, I wish you well and trust you will keep delivering quality projects which you and our clients can be proud of. Very special mention to Gerry McDonagh at Romtechnical Services, what a role model for anyone coming into a business. Its been a pleasure working with you.
Highlights over the years were attending and winning at award functions including Trip.com winning the ‘Best UK Fit out ‘ under £1m category at the Dorchester Hotel in London in 2019 and celebrating our 50th year at the Trades House of Glasgow with clients , suppliers ,staff and family. Our numerous trips to Royal Ascot will never to be forgotten.
However, my greatest satisfaction has been delivering projects for our clients of which there have been so many over the years. I must mention Leigh Fyfe at RLG and Rodi McLean’s team at Form, who have been fantastic clients for such a long period .
I am very grateful to all those who have trusted me in refurbishing their offices. It was a privilege to work with you all and you can rest assured you will continue to be looked after by the Scotwood family.
Who knows what the future may bring and I would love to be involved with Scotwood’s 60th anniversary celebrations next year. What an achievement for a company in the construction industry. My mobile number 07973-528882 and email address (douglas@scotwood.com) will remain the same and I look forward to keeping in touch. There is a bit of handing over to do before I finally depart so hopefully I will see you in person.
Dawn and I look forward to the future with excitement and a positive outlook . Gin time now!