We are proud to have refurbished most of the floors at 5 Atlantic Quay over the years, so we were particularly pleased to be appointed by Scottish Enterprise to work on the only floor we hadn’t yet refurbished. Scottish Enterprise occupy the 2nd floor and we refurbished their space by redecorating and laying new carpeting Read More
It’s always good to be invited back so we were happy to get a call from accounting software provider FreeAgent. Following on from a successful fit out last year, we are now working on the final phase of works at One Edinburgh Quay. We are creating a new Town Hall auditorium area with retractable bleacher Read More
Return Trip
Following last year’s successful fit out for Trip.com, we are delighted to announce appointment for an additional phase of works at Lochrin Square in Edinburgh. Work started today on expansion into vacant space on the 1st floor to create an additional open plan area for around 60 new staff and a new meeting room.
241 West George Street
Work starts today with Glasgow based Leftcity, Architects and Planning Consultants on the development of a new business centre at 241 West George Street. We are fitting out the new centre which will offer high quality serviced accommodation at this prestigious address. Apologies for earlier incorrect post!
New Apprentice
We are delighted to welcome our second new apprentice in as many months. Myer McKinnon is 20 and comes from Erskine. He joins us from Morris and Spottiswood where he started his apprenticeship. In July he will complete his four-year apprenticeship when he sits his skills test to achieve SVQ Level 2 in Carpentry & Read More
All Change at Glasgow Clyde College
Working with Building and Surveying Services (BSS), Scotwood Interiors upgraded the gym facilities at Glasgow Clyde College’s Cardonald Campus. Stripping out the existing changing, shower and toilets areas, we created new student and staff male and female changing, shower and toilet areas The new facilities involved a complete re-design and refurbishment within the existing building, Read More
BCO Award Shortlist
Great to see that @HKSDtweet has been shortlisted for the Regional @BCO_UK Awards for the Trip. com project in Edinburgh, on which we carried out the fit-out. A really exciting design which richly deserves recognition. bco #bcoawards #bcoscotland Follow link to case study: https://scotwood.com/case-studies-trip-dot-com.html
28 x the Height of Ben Nevis…
…or 38,913 metres, which is the amount of cabling we have laid for Royal London Group (RLG) in a major refurbishment of their Edinburgh offices at Thistle Street, Queen Street, Henderson Row and Henderson Place Lane. Carried out over two and a half years, the project for the insurance giant has been enormous in scale Read More
Latest Newsletter
Our round up of the last six months is available here: http://new.nexusspace.co.uk/Emailers/Scotwood/scotwood-emailer-dec-2018.html
58 Waterloo Steet
We have just completed the sub-division of four floors for new tenants in the newly refurbished building at 58 Waterloo Street, a landmark office development in Glasgow city centre. It’s been a brilliant project to work on with the landlord Castleforge Partners and our friends at PMP Building Consultancy. Rachael Pittaway from Castleforge Partners said: “It’s Read More